Hi there — I’m Emmett.

I’m a transit planner and civic technologist.

Cities are grappling with climate crisis, winning back transit riders, and figuring out where technology fits in. My job is to blend analytical rigor with fresh thinking — and use data to bring new ideas to life.

Do you have a project idea at the nexus of tech, transit, and decarbonization? Let’s get in touch!

Central Square
My Approach

Transportation is changing fast. New technologies promise greener, more accessible cities — but how is this working out? Are cities decarbonizing fast enough? Who benefits from disruption?

These questions spark my passion, and reflect my core values:

Equity: Cities can only be smart or sustainable if they serve the most vulnerable. Underserved communities know best how urban systems fail — and how to fix them.

Innovation: Achieving equitable cities demands that we re-think how we engage community, use technology, and design physical spaces. Data is a powerful tool — but doesn’t tell the whole story.

Co-creation: Planners bring technical skill. Communities bring lived experience. By designing together and sharing power, we make the most of our collective knowledge.

Systems Thinking: Nothing exists in a vacuum. Sustainable transportation depends on affordable housing, safe streets, supportive policy, and many other systems.

Attention to Detail: Whether designing streets, analyzing data, or communicating research — it’s the tiny things that make big goals possible. Sweat the details.

“Any philosophy of technology worth its salt must eventually ask, How can we limit modern technology to match our best sense of who we are and the kind of world we would like to build?”

Langdon Winner