Research & Publications

MCP Thesis

Code Shift: Data, Governance, and Equity in Los Angeles’s Shared Mobility Pilots. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2020).

Committee: Larry Susskind (Advisor), Karilyn Crockett (Reader), Eric Huntley (Reader)

Journal Articles

Soria, Lizzette, et al. Equitable bikeway expansion: Investigating potential links to gentrification and displacement. E. McKinney, Ed. MIT Science Policy Review (2021).

M. Swain, E. McKinney & L. Susskind. Water Shutoffs in Older American Cities: Causes, Extent and Remedies. Journal of Planning Education and Research (2020).

A. Maki, E. McKinney, M.P. Vandenbergh, M.A. Cohen, & J.M. Gilligan. Employee Energy Benefits: What Are They and What Effect Do They Have on Employees? Energy Efficiency (2018).


E. McKinney, B. Preis, & M. Williams, Save Fairport: Planning for Social Cyberdefense of Critical Urban Infrastructure (2019).

E. McKinney, J. Berkenkamp & L. Breggin, Nashville Food Rescue Landscape Analysis. Nashville Food Waste Initiative (2017).

E. McKinney. International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE), Performance Measurement for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement. Environmental Law Institute (2017).

Conference Presentations

E. McKinney. Big Data and Transit Equity: New Questions. Presented at Hindsight Conference, November 12, 2020.

Other Contributions

Preis, Benjamin, and Lawrence Susskind. “Municipal Cybersecurity: More Work Needs to be Done.” Urban Affairs Review (2020): doi: 1078087420973760.

Civic Design Center, Tactical Urbanism Organizers Guide (2019).

Environmental Rule of Law: First Global Report. United Nations Environment Programme (2019).

Blight Revitalization Initiative for Green, Healthy Towns . BRIGHT Guide. “Chapter 7: End Uses.” Environmental Law Institute (2018).

Future Bioengineered Products (2018)

M. Vandenbergh & J. Gilligan. Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change (2017). Cambridge University Press 978-1316632482.