Community Engagement + Media

The Year We Were Moved
Cambridge, Mass. (2020)

2020 was a year of disruption. COVID-19 , renewed calls for racial justice, record-setting natural disasters, a fraught election cycle: these crises revealed longstanding structural inequities in our society.

This speculative fiction project used creative writing, graphic design, and audiovisuals to free us from the constraints of the world today — and envision a truly equitable mobility future.

This work was part of The Blossoming, an anthology of speculative futures for a post-pandemic world.

Full piece | Performance

CoLab Radio
May 2019 – Present

CoLab Radio is an award-winning platform dedicated to centering the experience, and expertise, of marginalized communities. As Producer, I interviewed scientists, activists, and scholars doing the work of social justice. Key series include:

Justice Through Data (forthcoming) — a 3 part series exploring the role of mapping and data visualization in the Black Lives Matter and other social justice movements.

Decolonizing Science (October 2019) — a 5 part series detailing how colonial legacies shape the production of environmental science in the Global South.

The Blossoming: Speculative Futures for a Post-Pandemic World (July 2019) — an anthology of speculative fiction pieces, that collectively envision a post-COVID world that is truly just and sustainable.

Resiliencia Participativa
Mexico City, January 2020

In collaboration with la Secretaria Gestion Integral de Riesgo y Protección Civil de la Ciudad de Mexico,I and a collaborator developed the concept and materials for a board game on climate resilience. Mexico City faces many risks, including earthquakes, subsidence, water scarcity, flooding, and pollution.

La Gran Aventura de la Ciudad relays the spatial distribution of these risks, key information for building resilience, and facilitates trust-building between marginalized communities and local authorities, while integrating cultural landmarks and a color scheme inspired by the city itself. 

Mexico City is currently producing the game in a playground-size format, to be used as a tool for engaging youth engagement in climate resilience efforts.